Permanent Supportive Housing

Permanent supportive housing is a nationally recognized model to address chronic homelessness. It combines the stability of a permanent home with case management and coordinated services such as health care, trauma recovery, and employment resources that are available for tenants to voluntarily access while living in their own apartment. These services are designed to enable residents to build independent living skills, regain personal stability, and thrive. Our service partners, including LA Family Housing, provide many of these services to tenants directly on-site.

We have developed 439 units of permanent supportive housing to date with several hundred additional units in our pipeline to be completed in the coming years.

Permanent Supportive Housing

  • Crest Apartments

    Population Served: Veterans and individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 64

    Opened: 2015

  • The Fiesta

    Population Served: Individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 49

    Location: North Hollywood

    Opened: 2017

  • Klump Apartments

    Population Served: Individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 15

    Opened: 1998

  • The Louis

    Population Served: Individuals with mental illness who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 46

    Opened: 2014

  • Palo Verde

    Population Served: Individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 61

    Opened: 2011

  • Residences on Main

    Population Served: Families and transition-age youth who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 50

    Opened: 2020

  • Silva Crossing

    Population Served: Individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 56

    Opened: 2022

  • Summit View

    Population Served: Veterans who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 49

    Opened: 2023

  • Talisa

    Population Served: Families who have experienced chronic homelessness

    Number of Units: 49

    Opened: 2023